Saturday, January 7, 2012

Step Outside of Yourselves in 2012

It’s a new year! This marks the beginning of resolutions and goals that people hope to accomplish before the year is over. Weight loss, financial gain, time management—these are just a few of the numerous things that seem to become part of everyone’s To-Do list.

But this year, why not make it a goal to do something different. Instead of making a new list of things to accomplish, why not take inventory of the lists you already have, yet have never completed. Why can’t this be the year that you take those lists and begin to scratch off some of those ideas?
Well, I’ve got GREAT news for you—IT CAN!!! This is the year to step outside of yourself and do something different. Something that you have always wanted to do, but have yet to take the necessary steps to make it happen. It is time that people really begin to understand that there is a great need to turn dreams into reality. This is your year!
There may be things on your list that haven’t been accomplished due to lack of resources, support, or confidence. You may feel that you’re not educated or talented enough or that you lack financial resources to turn your dream into a reality. Stop worrying about what you don’t have, and start focusing on what you DO have. This is the time to stop sitting on your assets and start planting seeds.
Everyone’s list will be different. Some will have several things on it and some will have just one. If there’s only one thing on your list, that’s okay because once you do whatever is necessary to reach your goals, you may have the confidence, passion, and drive to do more. If it’s just making a phone call, talking to someone, writing a letter, whatever the task may be, your dream can no longer sit idle or it will die.
Can you imagine how many people go to the grave every day with dreams inside of them that never came to pass? Begin to imagine how many people may have had the cure for cancer, the answer to ending world hunger or the resources to end poverty, yet they died with those resources in them. Do you want to be one of those people? Do you want to live your life knowing that you have something in you that needs to be shared with the world, but you never planted seeds to bring about a harvest? You may feel that what you can offer is minor or insignificant, but it may turn into something that can benefit your family, your community or the world. I believe that God has placed something in you that someone else needs or that could even save a life. The key to finding that out is to begin to tap into what God has placed within you, and ask God what you should do with it.
For too long we have allowed people, life circumstances, and even ourselves to become a hindrance to moving forward and making things happen. Life is too short to just settle for the status quo. If you want more in your life: excitement, adventure, or spontaneity, then you have to do something different and be tenacious in your efforts to reach your goals. There are great things waiting for you around the corner, so don’t let another opportunity pass you by! Make it your goal to step outside of yourself in 2012!!!!

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