Monday, March 25, 2013

Cast It Out!!

Luke 8: 26-39 tells us the story of a man who was possessed with multiple demons, and because he was violent, he was bound with chains, cast out of the community, and lived alone in the countryside. He approached Jesus naked and trembling, not because of anger or violence raging inside of him. He trembled because the demons within him recognized who Jesus was, causing the man to fall on his knees and beg for mercy.

This story is often read with the disbelief that people can actually be consumed by spirits. With all of the Exorcism-type movies, people often have the misconception that demonic spirits are just something exaggerated by Hollywood, full of special effects and super talented actors. While that may be true in some cases, demonic spirits are very real and can target anyone, even people of faith. 

But let’s look at this from another angle. Demonic and ungodly spirits do not always present themselves as causing one’s head to rotate 360 degrees, puking green stuff, and talking in a deep and unworldly voice. Sometimes ungodly spirits come in the form of gossiping, adultery, deception, addictions, etc. Even the most faithful child of God can struggle with a spirit of lying, manipulation, stealing or fornication. This can consume them in a way that causes them to be cast out from their families, friends, and even their communities.

We all have been “possessed” and struggled with some spirits that have created wedges between us and God. It is possible that the man in the Scripture text may have wanted to be delivered from his condition. Yet, because no one took the time to get close to him and try to meet his need, he may have given up on being whole again, settling for his condition to become his new identity. No one invested in his deliverance until Jesus came along, and I am being used to invest in you today.

If you are struggling with a spirit of un-forgiveness, CAST IT OUT!!!! If you are struggling with a spirit of addiction, CAST IT OUT!!! If you are struggling with a spirit of unfaithfulness to another person or even to God, CAST IT OUT!!! Whatever spirit consumes you and prohibits you from walking in the fullness of the destiny that God has designed just for you, CAST IT OUT!!!! Allow God to help you cast out those hindrances, and once it is gone, never allow it to come back into your life. Name it, cast it out, and be made whole in Jesus name. Amen!