Saturday, August 29, 2015

Not In Vain

This is probably one of the shortest blogs I have written, but it is more so just a quick word of encouragement for you. As a new parent, there are days when I question if I'm doing a good job with my kids. And then there are days when a plan comes together that hits a home run out of the ball park. Last week, it was simply by getting my picky eater to try new things & eat it all up, which is a constant battle.
But even in those moments of doubt, I'm reminded that I'm a human with flaws, and I will continue to have those feelings for the rest of my life. Yet, I thank God for those moments when He makes me feel like a rock star mom even if only for a few minutes, and how He uses others to encourage me.
One thing I know for certain is that my babies are extremely loved & cared for, and the love they have for me encourages me that I'm doing a good job.
I say all this to encourage someone that many times, people will never see the countless hours you've prayed...cried...didn't feel like you were good enough...felt unappreciated... Or struggled with doubts & insecurity. You may have also felt that God has forgotten about you or that you are being punished because you've been fighting a particular battle for an extended period of time. 
But I want you to know that all of your labor has not been in vain. And God has NOT forgotten about you. Every battle...every storm...every time you fall...or every time that you feel like giving up is just an opportunity for God to bring OUT of you the strength, tenacity, and perseverance that He has placed IN you. God sees & takes note of every effort you have made regarding your family, job, education, finances, health, ministry, and dreams. So "do not grow weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Gal. 6:9). Be encouraged! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Preparation In The Waiting

   During the early months of my pregnancy, I had severe all day sickness. What I mean by that is usually you hear of women having “morning sickness”, but carrying twins made me extremely nauseated all throughout the day. In those early months, I found myself waking up every morning around 1 a.m. and remained awake until after 5 a.m. It was frustrating because people told me to rest as much as I could. Once the babies come, I would never see sleep again (LOL)! I was frustrated being up every day at 1 a.m., which heightened my nausea and sleep deprivation. 

   Several months later, when the babies finally came home, I realized that not only would I get up frequently throughout the night to soothe two crying babies, but I would also be up every 3 hours nursing or pumping breast milk. During that time, it made sense that all those months of getting up in the wee hours of the morning, even before the babies arrived, was a season of preparation for what was to come.

   Sometimes we get frustrated with things in life that do not happen on our time schedule. We feel that if we have already done the necessary prep work, then the next step should be getting what we have worked hard for. Yet when I look back over my life, I realized that God has taken me through several seasons of preparation before I saw the final results. I was frustrated that after graduating college, there was a 4 year season of waiting before I could go to graduate school. At the time, I did not realize that I had to learn some valuable life lessons that prepared me for ministry in ways that an academic setting could not prepare me for. 

   At the age of 13 years old, I prayed to be singing on a stage with millions of people watching me, and after a 15 YEAR season of waiting, God finally opened that door. And an area that seems to be a never-ending battle is the fact that I worked hard to obtain a college and master’s degree, and have years of experience in a wide variety of areas. Yet, I continue to find myself standing in front of closed doors that prohibit me from carrying out what I believe to be my God-given destiny.

   You might find yourself asking the same questions that I do…“Why do all this work if there are no results? Why all the sweat, blood, and tears if there is no reward in the end?” In the season of waiting, I am reminded of the people in Hebrews 11, who served God wholeheartedly, even with the understanding that they might die without ever getting their rewards. Now I don’t know about you, but that can’t be a good feeling. To be honest, it sounds downright cruel, yet God reminds me that sometimes, it’s not about me! WOW! That is a hard truth to accept, but sometimes the battles you have fought…the seeds you have sown…and the valleys you have walked through was never about you! It was so God could work THROUGH YOU to help SOMEONE ELSE!

   Sometimes those battle wounds and scars are for others to see the grace and mercy of God that is available to everyone. Sometimes the pain you went through was not a means to destroy you or cause you to feel defeated, but simply an opportunity to shed light on a situation so that you could help others. Think about those who were once victims of domestic violence and other crimes, and how they have used their experiences to give hope to those currently in those situations. Think about those who have overcome addictions that can give a word of encouragement to someone else that may feel that being an addict is all he/she will ever be.

   I am a witness that God uses our experiences to be a beacon of hope to someone else, which then also brings healing to you as you share your testimony. The season of preparation is sometimes painful, lonely, filled with anxiety, and can be a never-ending roller coaster. But there is a purpose in everything, and God is faithful to bring you through it. Just trust that HE CAN and HE WILL!

   So what are you doing in your season of preparation? Are you feeling resentful, indifferent, or possibly missing what God is trying to show you? I encourage you to hold on, be strong, and don’t grow weary. Every battle that we face in life was never meant for us to fight in the first place. Every battle belongs to God, and in due season, there will be victory coming your way. 

   So while you’re waiting for that door to open, trust that God knows what is best and He will be faithful to work all things out for your good. Above all things, beloved, be encouraged in your season of waiting!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Don’t Lose Sight of the Dream!!!

Philippians 1:6--Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

    It’s been 6 months since my last post, and while it may have appeared that I fell off the face of the earth, a lot has happened in my life and I have just been going with the flow. Over the past 6 months, I have been basking in every glimpse of hope while coming out on the other side of the storm that hit our family at the beginning of this year. While the storm was passing over, there were still moments of wondering, “Ok, is this it? Is it all officially over?”

   In the midst of worry, uncertainty, medical issues, and anything else that could shake things up, I began to realize that the storm caused me to put things in my life on hold. Things that I was trying to do to get ahead in life or move closer to walking through doors that I believed God was opening. LIFE HAPPENS and while I could not control the curve balls that came my way, I could try to control the way I responded to them.

   In the midst of the storm, I lost sight of who I was…lost sight of the reality that better days were soon to come…..but most importantly, lost sight of some of my hopes and dreams. I doubted myself and even had the audacity to consider just “settling.” HA!! That word brings back so many memories of when I was asked if I would be willing to let go of my hopes of reaching a goal and just settle. And my response at that time was, “No, I can’t because that is not what God called me to do!” How true that statement is, yet it was hard to believe that when I was just trying to come up for air from months of drowning and praying for relief.

   And that relief finally did come and once I was able to breathe again, I realized that I needed to go back to chasing after those dreams that were burning in my heart. God did not place the desire in me to just “settle.” I realize more and more every day that there is something on the inside of me that keeps me up at night, causes me to cry with passion, and  brings about a sense of excitement and advanced fulfillment that I know can only come from God. I’ve never claimed to be perfect and would never want to give off the impression that I don’t have my own crosses to bear. But it is so easy to encourage someone else to follow their dreams and not give up.

    But what about encouraging yourself? Why is it so hard for us to believe the very same life-giving words that we give to someone else? I lost sight of who I was in the midst of the storm, and I lost sight of the vision that God has placed in me.  Last week, I caught a glimpse of the dream and I got excited all over again! All those months of desperation, hopelessness, and apathy were replaced by determination and hope. I realized that the dream never moved away from me, but I moved away from it.

   Today, I want to encourage you not to lose sight of the dream. I want to encourage you to fight until the finish and carry out your God-given potential. I want you to come through your storm with so much hope and determination that it will feel like fire shut up in your bones! Don’t lose sight of the dream because there is something in you that someone else needs to survive and/or reach their goals. Yes, that sounds like a lot of pressure on you to possibly hold the key to someone’s breakthrough.
   But as my pastor says, it is in you to make it! I believe that whatever has been holding you back or causing you to remain stagnant is only a test of faith. You must believe that God has already placed in you everything you need to make it. But you have to want it, be willing to chase after it, and REFUSE to settle for less than God’s best. No matter what comes your way, DON’T LOSE SIGHT OF THE DREAM!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Living Water

     Everybody likes free stuff! I have an app on my phone where I receive weekly alerts for free things at Thornton’s gas station, and every Tuesday, I get really excited to see what the freebie of the week will be. Some weeks, I show great enthusiasm for yummy and fattening items like M & M’s, pastries, chips, etc.  Then there are those weeks where the item doesn't yield an enthusiastic response like beef jerky, energy drinks, and bananas! lol Recently, the freebie being offered was bottled water, and while it is certainly welcomed on hot summer days, I didn’t feel it was something that I just HAD to make a trip to go get. But the interesting thing was that this was not just a typical bottle of water, but the name on the bottle was called “Living Life” water.

     That name alone reminds me of the Scripture text found in John 4: 1-26. Here is a story of Jesus’ encounter with a woman by a well, and He was offering her a freebie that at first did not yield an enthusiastic response from her. Jesus said that the water she was laboring so hard to get from the well would never quench her thirst, but He offered her living water in which she would never thirst again. Although she had never heard of this living water before, she was intrigued and asked for it in hopes that it would change her constant routine of collecting water.

     How is it that when certain things are being offered to us, we are excited and would consider going through hurdles to get to it, especially the big and elaborate things that we long for? But when something simple is being offered without all of the pomp and circumstance, we are hesitant to receive it? God has offered us the free gift of salvation and a relationship with Jesus through the simplest of means, but often, people will not receive it unless the offer comes in some grandiose matter. What do I mean by that? Let me make it very plain. How often have you said (or heard others say) “I want to come into a relationship with God, but I have to clean up my life first?” That is one way that makes it difficult to receive the free and simple gift of salvation because people are waiting until THEY “get it right.” If YOU alone could get YOUR life together according to YOUR standards, then there would not be a need for God.

     Another hurdle is that we feel a need to “remind” God of who we are. When Jesus asked the woman for a drink of water, she asked Him why He would even talk to her because she was a Samaritan and He was a Jew, which was an interaction that was prohibited during those days. But little did she know, Jesus already knew who she was and He still wanted to talk to her. God knows all about youI mean, He did create you after all, so why are we being hindrances to ourselves because we feel that we cannot measure up or feel worthy to receive what God has to offer?  There is no need for you to remind God of anything because before you were created, God already knew how many times you would mess up, how many times you would fall, and how resistant you would be to make Him the sole priority of your life. Yet, He still wants to offer you something that will be life-changing, transforming, and easily accessible.

     And finally, one of the biggest hurdles that make it difficult to receive the free and simple gift of salvation is that people wait until some major life crisis occurs before they will accept the gift. Is it really necessary to wait until you have experiences like Job did, in which you have to lose your family, possessions, finances, or health in order to see a need for God? Is it necessary to be standing on the ledge of life, and ready to give up all hope before you realize that there is a free and simple resource made available to you? Jesus has offered you something that is not only free and simple, but it is also life-giving. The living water that Jesus offers makes it possible for your needs to be met in ways that you could never do for yourself. But most importantly, Jesus is THE Living Water, who desires to have a relationship with you, and to help you carry out your full God-given potential.

     So what is hindering you from accepting that free living water? What is standing between you and experiencing the life that God has designed just for you? This free and simple gift doesn’t require a big parade, balloons, or confetti. All that is required is stepping out on faith, and understanding what your life will be like if you DON’T accept this free offer. The alert has already been sent out! Do you feel your life is worth making the trip to go get it? The choice is up to you!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

                            How God Answers Prayer

     Throughout my life, I have often heard how the resources and privileges that we have today are a result of the prayers of our ancestors. Things that the older generations were praying for may not have come to pass in their lifetime, but we are seeing the manifestations of their prayers today. Think of the vision that Dr. Martin Luther King had in his famous “I Have A Dream” speech. While we have not crossed the finishing line in regards to racial equality, the vision and prayers of Dr. King (and so many others) created a path of opportunity for people like Barack Obama to become America’s first black President.      
     Think for a moment how many of our ancestors were not able to go to school past the age of 10 years old or even graduate from high school. Yet, the doors of opportunity are wide open so that we can have access to higher education, thriving careers, and impact the world in which we live. I am not referring to opportunities made available to just African Americans, but for people of all races, genders, children, those who have often been cast to the side, and especially for those who feel as if their voices have not been heard.
     Reflecting on the path that my ancestors have paved for me and future generations to come reminds me of the faith of those recorded in Hebrews 11. These were men and women, who believed God for certain things and while God blessed them in mighty ways during their lifetime, verse 39 tells us that they died without reaping all of God’s blessings. I believe that the prayers that our ancestors were lifting up to God were in hopes that it would come to pass in their lifetime, but I have learned over the years that we have no control over how or when our prayers will be answered. We just know that God can and He will do it in His timing.

It can sound a bit discouraging when you pray for something to happen right away, but God knows best. While we think those prayers are to directly benefit us and our loved ones, sometimes God uses those prayers to be manifested at a certain point in life.  When we pray, it is extremely important to not only pray for your needs and the needs of your family, but also pray for the needs of others, even for those you do not know. Not only can your prayers be a blessing to others, but the prayers of others can be a blessing to you. Bishop Paul Morton said it best, "I'll pray for you, you pray for me, and watch God change things."  
     One of my favorite quotes was spoken by Thurgood Marshall, in which he says, “None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We got here because somebody - a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony or a few nuns - bent down and helped us pick up our boots.” We know that along the way, whether directly or indirectly, someone helped us to become the people that we are today. It was the prayers of those who faced various forms of injustice that opened the door for racial integration, for women to find themselves in positions of leadership, and for children in various parts of the world to gain access to clean water, medical care, and nutritious food.  It was the prayers of those who were denied access to education that opened the doors for us to have a wealth of opportunities to get advanced degrees and careers. It was the prayers of those who experienced tragedy and violence that opened doors for people to step up as advocates, and speak on behalf of those who have been silenced because of their trauma. 

     Does that mean that you shouldn’t pray because there may be the possibility that God will not answer it or that it will not directly benefit you? The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing”, so even while we may not know when or how God will answer those prayers, faith is believing that He will be faithful to do it. If you’ve been praying for financial peace, it doesn’t mean that you’ll wake up tomorrow and be a lottery winner. It is possible that you might have to experience a season of lack, hardships, and start from the bottom in order to get to financial peace.
     If you’ve been praying that your children/grandchildren will stop being rebellious, stop using drugs or alcohol or stay out of jail, there’s a possibility that it may not happen for that particular child. However, when that child grows up and becomes a parent, he/she will remember the difficulties that they caused others in their youth, and can be the catalyst to break those generational curses from continuing to destroy families. Just know that God does hear your prayers and is concerned about every need that you have. As you pray, remind yourself that God’s timing is perfect and those prayers will be answered in the way that He feels is best. He has not forgotten about you, but every test and trial that you face in life is just to make you stronger, build up your testimony, and be a witness of God’s faithfulness to all who put their trust in Him.   

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Spirit of Humility

"And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted."  (Matthew 23:12)
     I don’t know how many of you have/have had pets, but I am learning that they can teach you some of the same skills/techniques that are needed for parenting. Even with pets, there are moments of laughter, joy, disappointments, and sadness. There is a need for training, instruction, guidance, and patience. One of the things I noticed about my fur-child, Zoe, is that when I call her name, she starts out running and wagging her tail. But as she gets closer, she bows down low and remains that way until I do something to make her look up at me. 

     Now you may be wondering why I am telling you this and what this has to do with you, especially if you don’t have any pets? Let’s first look at the dynamics of the relationship that I have developed with Zoe. When she was a puppy, she had to learn what was acceptable and not acceptable. She had to learn who was responsible for her, who it was that she could trust to feed her, love her, take care of her, and protect her. Over time, the relationship of trust and reverence deepened and at some point, she felt the need to start bowing before me whenever she was in my presence. 

     Isn't that how we are as children of God? When we start out in our relationship with God, we are guided and instructed on how to function in life and how to grow in our walk with the Lord. As this relationship grows, our trust and reverence for God should deepen. So let me ask you—when was the last time that you approached God in a spirit of humility? How often do you bow down in adoration and reverence for the One who is faithful to provide our daily needs? 

     Sometimes we get to that place in our lives where we forget to thank God for the simple, everyday things. It’s funny that some people only see the value in something when they no longer have it. But what about approaching God in a spirit of humility when we mess up? Sometimes we just shrug it off and say, “Oh, well, I messed up. But God will forgive me. God knows my heart.” 

     A spirit of humility means to approach God in a way that shows that you understand there is Someone greater than yourself. Someone that you owe your life and well-being to. Someone who has walked with you through YOUR moments of laughter, joy, disappointments, and sadness. Someone who has shown love and patience as YOUR Trainer, YOUR Guide, and YOUR Instructor. 

     The next time you have an opportunity to be alone with God without any distractions, approach God with a humble attitude, a grateful heart, and a deep reverence for who God is. I guarantee that not only will you learn to walk in a spirit of humility, but you will also learn that everything that YOU ARE is because of who GOD IS!! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Praise In The Storm
 “After the devil had done all he could do to tempt Jesus, being unsuccessful, 
he departed from him for a season (Luke 4:13).” 

     Many of us are familiar with the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness by the devil. But what is sometimes overlooked is that Jesus was tempted “for a season.”

     The devil is busy! He is always plotting ways to trap, hinder and set you up for failure. Consider some of the storms you have experienced in your life. 9 times out of 10, the storm was not created by just one issue, but multiple things that seem to happen at once. Something you must understand is that although you may transition from seasons of storms to seasons of peace, don’t be fooled into thinking that the devil is finished with you. He is just waiting for the moment that you let your guard down and then he’s back.

     How can you be prepared in advance for the next storm that may come your way? First and most important is to PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY SOME MORE!! Pray for guidance and direction on how to avoid letting the storm consume you. Second, learn to praise God when you’re in the valley, as well as, on the mountaintop. We always run to God and beg for help when we’re going through rough times. But when all is well in our lives and there is peace, God is placed on a shelf until we need help again.

     Finally, ask God what lessons you are supposed to learn from the storm, especially if the storm is familiar. A familiar storm is when you keep going through the same thing over and over. We pray and ask God to help us get through it, yet we fail to ask what lesson is to be learned from that storm so that we don’t have to keep going down that same road again. And can I be honest? Some of these storms are not sent to us because God just wants to test us and make our lives miserable. Sometimes our actions are the cause of the storm, and because we haven’t learned how to make better choices, we bring it on ourselves.

     Storms are meant to come and go, but the devil will continue to come after anyone who is trying to operate in the will of God. The temptation of Jesus was not the only time that the devil came after him, but we can read all through the Gospels to see when Jesus’ character was attacked, when His authority was questioned, and most importantly, when the devil entered Judas and used him to betray Christ. I encourage you to stay prayed up, be prepared, and stay on guard. God never promised that life would be easy, but God did promise that you would never be abandoned or forgotten (Heb. 13:5). Only with Christ can you weather the storms of life!