Saturday, August 29, 2015

Not In Vain

This is probably one of the shortest blogs I have written, but it is more so just a quick word of encouragement for you. As a new parent, there are days when I question if I'm doing a good job with my kids. And then there are days when a plan comes together that hits a home run out of the ball park. Last week, it was simply by getting my picky eater to try new things & eat it all up, which is a constant battle.
But even in those moments of doubt, I'm reminded that I'm a human with flaws, and I will continue to have those feelings for the rest of my life. Yet, I thank God for those moments when He makes me feel like a rock star mom even if only for a few minutes, and how He uses others to encourage me.
One thing I know for certain is that my babies are extremely loved & cared for, and the love they have for me encourages me that I'm doing a good job.
I say all this to encourage someone that many times, people will never see the countless hours you've prayed...cried...didn't feel like you were good enough...felt unappreciated... Or struggled with doubts & insecurity. You may have also felt that God has forgotten about you or that you are being punished because you've been fighting a particular battle for an extended period of time. 
But I want you to know that all of your labor has not been in vain. And God has NOT forgotten about you. Every battle...every storm...every time you fall...or every time that you feel like giving up is just an opportunity for God to bring OUT of you the strength, tenacity, and perseverance that He has placed IN you. God sees & takes note of every effort you have made regarding your family, job, education, finances, health, ministry, and dreams. So "do not grow weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Gal. 6:9). Be encouraged!