Sunday, August 18, 2013

Spirit of Humility

"And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted."  (Matthew 23:12)
     I don’t know how many of you have/have had pets, but I am learning that they can teach you some of the same skills/techniques that are needed for parenting. Even with pets, there are moments of laughter, joy, disappointments, and sadness. There is a need for training, instruction, guidance, and patience. One of the things I noticed about my fur-child, Zoe, is that when I call her name, she starts out running and wagging her tail. But as she gets closer, she bows down low and remains that way until I do something to make her look up at me. 

     Now you may be wondering why I am telling you this and what this has to do with you, especially if you don’t have any pets? Let’s first look at the dynamics of the relationship that I have developed with Zoe. When she was a puppy, she had to learn what was acceptable and not acceptable. She had to learn who was responsible for her, who it was that she could trust to feed her, love her, take care of her, and protect her. Over time, the relationship of trust and reverence deepened and at some point, she felt the need to start bowing before me whenever she was in my presence. 

     Isn't that how we are as children of God? When we start out in our relationship with God, we are guided and instructed on how to function in life and how to grow in our walk with the Lord. As this relationship grows, our trust and reverence for God should deepen. So let me ask you—when was the last time that you approached God in a spirit of humility? How often do you bow down in adoration and reverence for the One who is faithful to provide our daily needs? 

     Sometimes we get to that place in our lives where we forget to thank God for the simple, everyday things. It’s funny that some people only see the value in something when they no longer have it. But what about approaching God in a spirit of humility when we mess up? Sometimes we just shrug it off and say, “Oh, well, I messed up. But God will forgive me. God knows my heart.” 

     A spirit of humility means to approach God in a way that shows that you understand there is Someone greater than yourself. Someone that you owe your life and well-being to. Someone who has walked with you through YOUR moments of laughter, joy, disappointments, and sadness. Someone who has shown love and patience as YOUR Trainer, YOUR Guide, and YOUR Instructor. 

     The next time you have an opportunity to be alone with God without any distractions, approach God with a humble attitude, a grateful heart, and a deep reverence for who God is. I guarantee that not only will you learn to walk in a spirit of humility, but you will also learn that everything that YOU ARE is because of who GOD IS!!